Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A quick Post on my Favorite Black Sabbath Record SABOTAGE !!
Although The first Sabbath record was truly ground breaking for its time.. Trails of the Blues can still be heard throughout the record.. Im Not saying thats a Bad thing because Its a Heavy as Fuck album but as Sabbath Moved into the 70's and made three more solid records in a row with Paranoid, Master Of reality (My second favorite Sabbath Record) and Vol 4.. The Records Just got heavier and more interseting with each passing year.. But It would be 1975 when Sabbath would create what i call the mother of all 70's Metal Record's.. Sabotage !!
This record Drops a Hit of acid from the Beginning and than Takes you to the edge of Death Like a Lethal Dose Of China White Than Hits you with a shot of Narcan but before you can gain control it Brings you back up again. It Takes Off Like a Rocket Flying Higher and Higher and than Levels out with acoustics and sweet melodies but it doesnt stop there It Builds again taking your head even Higher than it did before and than drops you straight to earth with realities of going insane only to gently pull you up again and as soon as you trust the calm it drops you on your head again .. It truly Takes the listener on a Journey that you will want to take over and over again.. The Writ, Hole In the Sky, Symptom of the Universe, Megelomania, Am I going Insane, and my copy from Nems on Vinyl even has the rare song Blow on a Jug at the end of side 2 that i always thought was a Nems mistake. Sabbath was a machine at this time in thier career Geezers song writing and Bass Playing was top Knotch . The use of different sounds not used before Like Chimes and Horns and even what sounds like an evil Church choir.. Ozzy Reaches Beautiful strong Notes that ive never heard on any other Sabbath record.. His voice is filled with such emotion and despair that at times it sounds as though he might be on the verge of either insanity or suicide. Its Just Amazing what They did as a team on this record. Its ashame that they just could never out do this Record i always thought that was sad..But They Broke the mold they made thier masterpiece.. all the records before this slowly get better but all the records after it get worse..
i can remember standing in my mirror pretending to be the frontman for this amazing band.. Fuck I Love Black sabbath!! and i Love this record.. Sabbath is just a part of who i am today and as a Kid I looked to Geezers words for guidence in life. The Black Sabbath Library was my Bible growing up and I guess i turned out ok ?? Well maybe not But cheers to the Best Black Sabbath record of all time Sabotage. It still Crushes anything the kids are calling heavy today.. Just Take a Listen..
Monday, February 4, 2013
It was Last year In June, Me and My Girl Usually Take the yearly trip to Baltimore to see Maryland’s Deathfest. We had been Going almost every year for the past decade or so. And weve Not only Witnessed a lot of Great bands Performing live. But weve also Got a chance to meet many of our Teenage heroes aswell as Make afew new friends who like us are Huge Fans of the Music. The 2012 Deathfest Line up was fantastic.. We couldn’t wait to see many of the bands that weve always wanted to see. Desultory,Looking For An Answer,Electric Wizard,Negura Bunget,Horna,Today Is The Day, Black Witchery, Demigod, Morbid Saint, Haemorrage, Agalloch, Mortuary Drape, Demonical, Nashgul, Dragged Into Sunlight and Pentagram.. These are all Bands we have Never Seen Live, But would Have Loved to.. Morbid Angel, Autopsy, Ghoul, Eyehategod,Disma,Napalm Death,Nausea,Hellbastard,Anvil,Repulsion and Deviated Instinct are bands that we have seen together over the years but it still woulda been great to see them again. What Fucked us up was my Summer work Schedule at Coca Cola in Philladelphia and although I love my Job and am a Proud Teamster member, Coca Cola Is Just Very Busy Through those Hot Summer Days.. Giving me no breaks in between the spring and fall. Since me and My Girl are Both Die Hard Fans Of Most Everything In the Underground Of Death Metal we decided to Take the Ride from South Jersey To New York City To Witness The 1st MARTYRDOOM FEST Instead.. It fell on a Night that i just happened to be off of work and it was a night packed with some really Killer Underground Blackened Death Metal Bands.. Although FATHER BEFOULED,GRAVE MIASMA, CRUCIAMENTUM and Ofcourse DEAD CONGREGATION all in the same Night was our initial Reason for Going to New York City. By the end of the Night we found ourselves Big Fans Of PERDITION TEMPLE, ENCOFFINATION, PROSANCTUS INFERI, EVOKEN and SANGUIS IMPEREM .. And Infact Found Ourselves spending all of our Money at many of These bands Merch Booths..
After The Long Drive home and a Good Nights rest.. We layed in bed the following mourning Reflecting on the Night Before and Both agreed That We had Witnessed One of The Greatest Shows we had ever Been to.. And That is saying alot because Both of us have been going to DM Shows Since the Mid 80's .. Fast forward to January 2013 .. Having Over a Year In at Coca Cola Means that I am Lucky enough to pick a 1 week vacation of my choice this Summer But I was Crushed to find that Somebody at work with more seniority than me Had already Taken the days off that I would need for This Years Deathfest in Maryland.(FUCK !! IM GONNA MISS ANOTHER YEAR AT DEATHFEST!!) I hate to even Look at the Line up but I know for sure that Deiphago is gonna be there and im really Big On That Band.. Also Coming Back to the States is Bolt Thrower and Carcass.. Both of which Ive seen before but I’d Kill for aa Authentic Bolt Thrower T- Shirt and the only way to get one is at thier Merch Booth when they Play Live so It Just Plain Pisses me off That I wont be there.. I was really Bummed out Until I saw that Martyrdoom fest was happening again.. I glanced at the Line Up and realized That these guys have found a way to Not Only dig up some of The Most crushing and underated Godfathers of our past But they’ve also managed to compile some of the newest Torch carriers of Today.. And the fest has been expanded to 3 days this year.. 3 Days that were Not Picked by anyone on the Coca Cola Calender For Vacation.. (WHAT LUCK).. And Since It all falls Perfectly In Place Right around Me and My Girl’s Birthday’s we have decided to make This Years Martyrdoom Fest our Birthday bash/Vacation.. LIFE HAS ITS WAY OF GIVING US GOOD THINGS IN BETWEEN ALL OF THE SHITTY STUFF.
2013 PRE SHOW 666
15. HOUR OF 13
20. MORPHEUS DESCENDS *original lineup
22. PACT *1st Show Ever
24. SET *CANADA/USA *1st Show Ever
28. WARDAEMONIC *AUSTRALIA.....................................
Is This FANTASTIC OR WHAT ?? If anbody Stumbles on my Blog and reads This and Your attending This Years Martyrdoom Festival Hit me Up with a Comment and I’ll Buy You a Beer at the fest.. Until than My Friends Whatever it is in Life that Moves you DO IT WITH NO REGRETS !! Grasp onto it and never Let Go.. because lifes too short to Not experience everything you enjoy and everything that makes you Happy..Its what makes Life worth Living..Believe Me Ive Been Into this scene since 1983 Its my Passion Its what I Love and I will continue Until I can Continue No Longer.. IM IN IT FOR LIFE !!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Its been a Long Time Since Ive Posted here in my Blog and although it seems i have no followers Going back and reading what i was into when i wrote my first words in this blog is kinda fun to reflect upon. Well Im still Into all those things but I'd Like to Think Ive expanded my Tastes in Music as well as Life.. Since my last words here I have Lost My Father to Kidney Disease I have been reunited with my Beautiful daughter who i Lost touch with due to my Heroin Addiction.. I Now have 7 Years Clean (Well 7 Years heroin Free) Although I have dabbled in Other Drugs "Dammit I Try to stay a Good Boy" and Ive fallen In Love even Deeper than before with The same Beautiful woman who has stood by me through all Of my Stuggles and remains my Best friend and Lover to this Day.. I have moved away from My Old Stomping Grounds and Out here into The woods.. I Live In the Pine Barrens Here and Its caused me to get intouch with myself and Nature and I am Living a more Spiritual Life .. I was Never one to be religious I was very turned off by the Churches and religion in General But out here Ive Found a way to tap into a higher consciousness that is Real and can be felt in the Trees The animals The Ponds and the Soil.. Its a strange but amazing Thing when You find that connection between yourself and all the things that Nature has provided and You Can feel the Life all around you. and You know that you are Connected in more ways than you can ever Imagine.. Im not sure where this is Going but i can tell you that It Calls to me .. and Im open to it Completely . There is an old Cemetary in the woods and at Night without all the Light pollution of the city The Moon and Stars serve as a candle to the Night Sky.. Its amazing how Much Brighter the Nights are out here.. The Shadows Bouncing off of the old tombstones Gives it a certain Creepy But peaceful atmosphere.. Hre are acouple Pics of the area I call Home. I'll Get Into some of the New Music Ive been Listening to in my Next Post .. Damaged.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Instinct Of Survival
Here's a great Stenchcore band outta Germany.. Instinct Of Survival started out way back in 1995 as a Punk band with a D-beat flair but soon crossed over into the realm of Crust Punk.. Soon after they began Playing an oldschool brand of Grindcore and released a self titled record with some very crushing Songs..They did a split with Wojczech another great Crusty Grind band.. Somewhere along the way they decided to slow things down and found a solid groove In stenchcore taking inspiration from bands like Deviated Instinct, Amebix and Extinction Of Mankind.. They released The New Start Demo and than Winter in my mind .. They also did a split with Guided Cradle .. I think they did another split and Im sure they have afew more releases.. Anyhow The newest I.O.S. Record entitled North of Nowhere South Of Somewhere is Fucking Kick Ass!!! Heavy as Fuck Stenchcore bordering on The Warcrust sound .. Thick heavy Guitar work , Pummeling Bass Lines , Slamming Tribal drumming all backed by understandable Brutal Vocals .. His screams are full of anguish and at times it sounds as tho his throat is Bleeding ... The record has a feeling of Post Nuclear War total Destruction , Toxic waste, Garbage filled streets riddled with corpses and waste.. A Total Masterpiece from start to finish.. Youve heard the Warning Now buy the record Support these guys .. They Rule !!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Beyond
Christmas Eve .. what a great time of the year!! The Holy Spirit, Baby Jesus In The Manger, Church choirs and my Personal favorite , Disappearing into a passage That leads to HELL!!! The beyond is one of my Top 10 favorite Horror flicks of all Time.. Directed by the Late and Great Master Lucio Fulci, The Beyond is Beautiful Nightmare!! The Gore here is top notch Spaghetti The way only the Italians can deliver .. We get Throat ripping, Eye gouging , Acid To The Face, Heads Blown off at point blank range and even a Tarantula Attack while the Victim Lays Paralyzed.. Fuckin Brilliant .. The Color schemes are Sickeningly Beautiful and The End Of The Film Will Leave You with a feeling of Isolation and Helplessness .. If youve never seen this movie Than what are you waiting for ??? I promise you It will not disappoint... I give it 10 out of 10 stars !!! Oh yeah this film is also known as The Seven Doors Of Death but dont waste your time .. Its a chopped up piece of shit edited to fit the American Censors .. GARBAGE !!! There is no substitute to THE BEYOND AARRRGGHHH FULCI LIVES!!! Check out the Movie Trailor here ..
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Napalm Death Suffer
Im a huge fan of Napalm Death , Me and my girl had the honer of seeing them live this past summer in Baltimore and after all these years they still Kick Ass!! Barney does a fine job vocally but i must admit Nothing compares in my eyes to the Lee Dorian days.. When the whole Grindcore thing started there wasent much of an audience for it... In the early part of the 80's extreme musics only strength was in the Hardcore underground with bands like Discharge , Anti Cimex , Mob 47 and Minor Threat.. Giving way to bands like siege and Asocial.. But it would be Napalm Death to really break the barriers and get Grindcore Rolling.. It had to happen just at the right time .. Punk was becoming a household name and Thrash was running its course .. Kids wanted somthing new, They needed somthing even faster than Hardcore and Napalm Death was the answer to all short attention spans. Heres a clip of the song You Suffer Live in a British Arena .. Pay attention or you'll miss it !! HAHAHA
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